Tag: FCS (page 2 of 2)

Conference “Customs Legislation 2018: First Results of Practical Application”

On April 16, 2018, the conference “Customs legislation 2018: the first results of practical application” was held, the results of which are summarized in a separate material. Here you can find a detailed photo report from the event:

About the new format of interaction between business and customs

Transcript of the speech of TI Maksimov at the XIV Annual Conference of AEB “Customs and Business – 10 steps towards”.

Vladimir Ivanovich has already told about those fundamental changes that we have to go through. These are very ambitious plans, and we have formulated and put ourselves for ourselves. We received political support, but the most difficult part of reform is ahead – this is implementation, that is, the transition to actual actions. In this regard, we will be equally important support from the business community, since we believe that the proposed changes meet the interests of the state and the interests of honest business.


Conference “Customs Legislation 2018: First Results of Practical Application”



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On April 16, 2018, the Public Council under the FCS of Russia, with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Federal Customs Service, is holding a conference “Customs Legislation 2018: First Results of Practical Application”.


On February 21, the 14th Annual Customs Conference “Customs and Business: Ten Steps Towards Meeting”

On February 21, 2018, with the support of the Association of European Businesses in Russia (AEB) and the AEB Transport and Customs Committee, the XIV Annual Customs Conference “Customs and Business: Ten Steps Towards Meeting” will be held. The conference will be attended by the head of the FCS of Russia Bulavin V.I., Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia Maksimov T.I. and the head of the Public Council under the FCS of Russia Lozbenko L.A., as well as other participants.

Meeting of business representatives

February 1 Chairman of the Public Council under the FCS of Russia LA. Lozbenko took part in a meeting of responsible representatives of the Business Dialogue on foreign and mutual trade and customs administration. Leaders and leading experts of the largest business associations of Russia took part in the event.


A working group was established at the Moscow regional customs office in cooperation with representatives of the Public Council and MRC staff

Presentation of the current site model of the Charter of bona fide participants in foreign trade activities

On December 18, 2017, a joint meeting of the Public Council under the FCS of Russia and the Expert Advisory Council for the Implementation of the Customs Policy under the FCS of Russia will take place, at which the site of the Charter of Conscientious Participants in Foreign Economic Activity will be presented (hereinafter – the Charter). This resource was developed by the IIAC in cooperation with Alta-Soft, and is intended primarily for online signing of the Charter itself, as well as the Declaration on the approval and support of the Charter (hereinafter – the Memorandum). In addition, the site is expected to host a register of signatories and information materials related to the Charter.


Launch of the joint project of the Public Council of the FCS, IIAC and Alta-Soft for participants in foreign trade activities

Альта-ГТДOn October 25, the day of the opening of the exhibition “Customs Service 2017”, the Public Council of the FCS of Russia, in cooperation with the IIAC and Alta-Soft companies, launched a joint project for foreign trade participants. The aim of the project is to directly contact the participants of foreign trade activities in various regions of Russia with the Public Council. The software for the participants of foreign economic activity is still running in the test mode. Testing will take place in 5% of users of the program of the company Alta-Soft – “Alta GTD”. In the main version of the program, additional feedback will be provided to the participants of foreign economic activity with the Public Council, where each participant of foreign economic activity can directly contact the FCS.


RF CCI, RUIE, “Delovaya Rossiya” and “Opora Rossii” approved the Charter of bona fide participants in foreign trade activities

Подписание Хартии добросовестных участников ВЭД

The leaders of four business associations – the RF CCI, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, “Business Russia” and “Russian Support” signed a Declaration on the approval of the Charter of bona fide participants in foreign economic activity. The signing took place in the framework of the exhibition “Customs Service -2017” taking place in the “Expocenter”.


Photoreport: Signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the IIAC and the Public Council under the FCS of Russia

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