July 2, the first reception in the Russian Federation of the Public Council at the FCS of Russia has begun

July 2, in Vladivostok, on the basis of a subsidiary of the Interregional Information and Analytical Center for the Purpose and Supply Security in the Far Eastern Federal District (IIAC FE), the country’s first Public Admission Office of the Public Council under the FCS of Russia has opened.


Conference “Customs Legislation 2018: First Results of Practical Application”



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On April 16, 2018, the Public Council under the FCS of Russia, with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Federal Customs Service, is holding a conference “Customs Legislation 2018: First Results of Practical Application”.


Conference “Development of small and medium business in the Customs Union”

Signing a Memorandum of Cooperation between the IIAC and the Secretariat of the Commission of the Customs Union

Presentation of the book “Regulation of Foreign Trade of the Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community”

Signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the ANO “IIAC” and the Clinic “Health of the 21st Century”

May 15, 2017 the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the ANO “IIAC” and the Clinic “Health of the 21st Century.” The document has fixed the reached agreements on the organization of free-of-charge service for veterans of special services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FCS and the veterans of the Russian military service sent by the IIAC to rehabilitation in the Clinic.

IIAC sent the first veterans to the clinic “Health of the 21st Century”

МИАЦ отправил на лечение первых ветеранов

In the framework of the previously concluded agreement, the IIAC sent the first veterans to the clinic “Health of the 21st Century” for treatment.

XIII International Exhibition “Customs Service 2012”


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