IIAC, in cooperation with our partners, developed the project “Charter of Bona Fide Foreign Trade Operators” for the Public Council under the FCS of Russia, implemented it and supports users.
MoreIIAC, in cooperation with our partners, developed the project “Charter of Bona Fide Foreign Trade Operators” for the Public Council under the FCS of Russia, implemented it and supports users.
MoreThe main goal is the establishment by its participants of responsible forms of carrying out their economic activities, as well as interaction with partners, contractors and government bodies.
The signatories to this document strive to maximize the accuracy of the declaration, facilitate effective customs control, and minimize the number of violations of customs regulations.
We, Russian and foreign legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, engaged in foreign economic activity, and their unions (hereinafter, parties to the Charter),
The initiators of adoption of this Charter of Bona Fide Foreign Trade Operators (hereinafter, the Charter) are the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, All Russia Public Organization “Delovaya Rossiya”, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises “OPORA RUSSIA”.
Main purpose of the Charter is establishing faithful forms of foreign economic activities and cooperation with partners, contractors and governmental authorities by the parties to the Charter.
The parties to the Charter intends to use widely and to develop self-regulations of foreign trade operators based on common interest in improvement of business environment and its sustainable development.
The parties to the Charter acknowledge and value the importance of completeness, full disclosure and relevance of information for ensuring faithful business practices in foreign economic activity.
The parties to the charter undertake the obligation to fully assist in the formation and maintenance of information resources of the Russian FCS used for determination of customs value; development of the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Classification and other information resources in the field of foreign economic activity.
The Charter is open to accession upon its publication on the official web-site of the Russian FCS in the section of the Public Council under the Russian FCS.
The Charter may be acceded by any Russian and foreign legal entity, individual entrepreneur, national, regional, sectoral and professional unions sharing and adhering to its principles and regulations.
The period of accession to the Charter is unlimited.
The register of parties to the Charter shall be kept by the Secretary of the Public Council under the Russian FCS.
For the purposes of successful implementation of the Charter, its initiators may approve the regulations on the conditions and procedure of implementation of the provisions of the Charter.
The text of the Charter and the Register of parties to the Charter shall be posted on the official web-site of the Russian FCS in the section of the Public Council under the Russian FCS.
The original copy of the Charter in Russian and the Register of parties to the Charter shall be kept at the Secretariat of the Public Council under the Russian FCS.