The Russian Ministry of Health has developed a procedure for conducting a medical examination for the presence of contraindications to the possession of a weapon, including an extraordinary one, if a citizen was diagnosed with diseases incomparable with the possession of a weapon during a medical examination or providing medical assistance. The corresponding draft order was published on Monday on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

In particular, the procedure will be carried out exclusively by state medical organizations at the place of residence of the citizen.

“The procedure for medical examination for the presence of medical contraindications to the possession of a weapon will be carried out exclusively by the medical organizations of the state and municipal health systems at the place of residence (stay) of the citizen; examination, conclusions based on the results of the examination are formed in the form of an electronic document and placed in the federal register of documents containing information on the results of a medical examination, which is maintained in a unified system in the field of health care, information on the issued medical reports is transferred to the Russian Guard “, – follows from the explanatory note.

It is also indicated that the procedure provides for an extraordinary medical examination if a citizen who owns a weapon is found to have diseases in the presence of which the possession of a weapon is contraindicated.

“The draft order establishes that a medical examination is carried out in order to establish that a citizen of the Russian Federation intending to own a weapon, the presence (absence) of diseases included in the list of diseases, in the presence of which possession of a weapon is contraindicated, approved by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation,” – said in the explanation to the project.

If approved, the order will enter into force on March 1, 2022 and will be valid until March 1, 2028.

Source: TASS